In Development as a feature, this heartfelt, coming-of-age addiction short film follows the trials and tribulations of a young puppet named Irving. A violin prodigy, he has everything going for him, except his addiction to drugs and alcohol. A terrible tragedy strikes and Irving must start the long journey of rehabilitation and self discovery. But will he have the courage to face his demons and make it to the other side?
Susan hears strange noises in her bathroom and a strange black void appears at the bottom of her bathtub. This ominous presence starts changing Susan and once she gets fed up with her friend Rachel getting abused by her girlfriend Jordan, she takes matters into her own hands.
Jack enjoys his morning stroll, until an unexpected encounter occurs changing everything, forever.
D. stalks Sandra but she doesn't know it. She does think that D. is a documentary filmmaker having her be in a film about conquering fear. Little does she know that D. is not who he claims to be, and far worse.
A lonely man, after receiving a very peculiar delivery, struggles with falling in love with a robot.
In Development as a feature, this sci-fi home invasion thrill-ride follows a deranged gang terrorizing a family with technology that can read their minds. Secrets are uncovered that will tear them apart.
In Development as a feature, this exciting reimagining of the zombie tale is told through 3 interconnected stories that all lead to a mysterious rock structure known as The Cataclyst.